Minnesota Child Custody: Protecting your child from hearing too much during a divorce

Divorce case details should be kept out of children’s lives in child custody cases in Minnesota
Suppose inappropriate and negative statements are being made to a minor child or within earshot of a minor child. In that case, the parent could jeopardize parenting time or decision-making rights concerning that child. Oftentimes, co-parents have troubled relationships with one another and find it hard to say positive things about the other parent. When that is the case, it is best to say nothing at all. Remember the old saying, “if you have nothing nice to say, don’t say anything at all.” The minor children’s best interests must be thought of at all times, and keeping negative comments to yourself is not only best for the children involved but is likely best for your court case.
Child custody cases can have a negative impact on the divorcing parents’ older children
In the case of older children, it can be more difficult to keep them from finding out details about the child custody or divorce case. Older children can be very insightful and often piece things together independently. When this is the case, it is best to have no direct comments made to them regarding the other parent or the court case in general. Although indirect actions and words can be seemingly innocent, they can negatively impact any pending court case as well as the mental health of the involved children. For example, an indirect, seemingly harmless action may be passing information or child support payments through an older child. While this may be done in an innocent manner, it can be bad for the child or children involved, the court case, and likely any potential relationship with the other parent. Adult matters should be kept only in the hands of the involved adults. Parenting time is another thing that can sometimes be innocently passed from one parent to an older child to give to the other parent. Sometimes it can seem like a good idea to get an older, but still minor, child’s input on parenting time, but this can be a mistake also. Find out the different types of custody arrangement and which is right for you. Parenting time needs to be figured out between the adults; children, no matter the age, should not be involved.
Ways to protect your children from your divorce in St. Cloud, MN
There are many ways that communication problems can jeopardize a court case, and communication problems can especially harm the minor children involved in the court case. Since children are the subject of custody disputes, it can be nearly impossible to keep them completely separate from all that can be going on in custody disputes anddivorce proceedings. Children will likely have many questions about child custody and divorce. The child must be reassured that the involved adults will work out the details of the proceedings and that they only need to worry about being children. They often feel a tremendous burden and responsibility when it comes to their parents separating, and care should be taken to be as positive as possible in these instances. It is never the child’s fault for their parents splitting up. By keeping them away from details, negative comments, and adult pressure, they can be assured that they are loved and not the reason for the dispute or separation. Please contact an experienced, trusted family law attorney for any needed legal advice regarding your current or upcoming custody dispute or divorce case. Only a lawyer familiar with the Minnesota state laws and your case can offer the best possible legal advice. To find out more, contact Attorney Kay Snyder today.